
Robert Falcon Scott's South Pole expedition

Tales of the British Antarctic Expedition 1910

What happened to the Terra Nova Expedition?

Europeana Foundation

One hundred years ago, on 17 January 1912, the Terra Nova Expedition - officially known as the British Antarctic Expedition 1910 - led by Captain Robert Falcon Scott reached the South Pole.

Unfortunately, the crew made it only to discover they were beaten by their Norwegian rival, Roald Amundsen, by 34 days and to meet their desolate death.

Captain Robert Falcon Scott

We shall stick it out to the end, but we are getting weaker of course and the end cannot be far. It seems a pity but I do not think I can write more. For God's sake look after our people.

Robert Falcon Scott's last journal entry

Signed by Robert Falcon Scott, this was the last diary entry of the famous British explorer. On the return journey, all five members of the expedition die from starvation, exhaustion and cold.

Footage from Amundsen's journey