8 Ergebnisse innerhalb von Person John Forsell

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John Forsell

Schwedischer Militär, Opernsänger, Operndirektor und Musikpädagoge

Concert Record Gramophone; Kjerulf, Halfdan

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Concert Record Gramophone

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone Monarch Record; Rossini, Gioachino

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Concert Record Gramophone; Lindblad, Adolf Fredrik

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Concert Record Gramophone

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Deutsche Grammophon; Concert Record "Gramophone"; Rossini, Gioachino; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Deutsche Grammophon; Concert Record "Gramophone"; Oscàr, Anna

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

The Gramophone Name nach Vorlage: The Gramophone Co., Ltd.; Concert Record "Gramophone"; Oscár, Anna

Saxon State and University Library Dresden