69 αποτελέσματα εντός Πρόσωπο Φραντσίσεκ Σμουγκλέβιτς

69 αποτελέσματα που επιστράφηκαν

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Φραντσίσεκ Σμουγκλέβιτς

Polish artist (1745-1807)

The Lithuanian National Museum of Art

The Lithuanian National Museum of Art

The Lithuanian National Museum of Art

The Lithuanian National Museum of Art

The Lithuanian National Museum of Art

Marco Carloni; Franciszek Smuglewicz

Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte Rom. Fotothek

The Lithuanian National Museum of Art

The Lithuanian National Museum of Art

The Lithuanian National Museum of Art

The Lithuanian National Museum of Art

The Lithuanian National Museum of Art