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Katie Taylor

Boxeadora irlandesa


Gävleborg County Museum

Founding Committee of Independent Solidarity Trade Unions at the Gdańsk Repair Shipyard, [ed. Committee of the Presidium of the NSZZ “Solidarność” Commission]

Open Society Archives at Central European University


Gävleborg County Museum

Ireland's National Television and Radio Broadcaster


Gävleborg County Museum


Gävleborg County Museum

Founding Committee of Independent Solidarity Trade Unions at the Gdańsk Repair Shipyard, [ed. Committee of the Presidium of the NSZZ “Solidarność” Commission]

Open Society Archives at Central European University


Gävleborg County Museum


Gävleborg County Museum

Founding Committee of Independent Solidarity Trade Unions at the Gdańsk Repair Shipyard, [ed. Committee of the Presidium of the NSZZ “Solidarność” Commission]

Open Society Archives at Central European University

Founding Committee of Independent Self-Government Trade Unions in Gdańsk Repair Shipyard

Open Society Archives at Central European University

Founding Committee of Independent Solidarity Trade Unions at the Gdańsk Repair Shipyard, [ed. Committee of the Presidium of the NSZZ “Solidarność” Commission]

Open Society Archives at Central European University