7714 resultados dentro de Tema Mosaico
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Obra pictórica elaborada con pequeñas piezas de piedra, cerámica o vidrio
Strübin, Theodor
Archaeology and Museum Baselland
Strübin, Theodor
Archaeology and Museum Baselland
Strübin, Theodor
Archaeology and Museum Baselland
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
The International Center for Information Management Systems and Services
The International Center for Information Management Systems and Services
The International Center for Information Management Systems and Services
The International Center for Information Management Systems and Services
Roderburg, K. (Kris)
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands
Galen, P. (Paul) van
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands
Jagt, Sjaan van der
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands
Jagt, Sjaan van der
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands
Jagt, Sjaan van der
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands