
Seascapes in art

Seas surround us, inspiring artists for centuries. Explore these seascapes from across Europe, scenes of tranquility, storms, leisure and industry.

Louis Artan de Saint-Martin

Catholic University of Leuven


Czölder, Dezider

Slovak national gallery

Royal Museums Greenwich

Royal Museums Greenwich

Monleón y Torres, Rafael, 1843-1900

National Library of Spain



Jean-François Millet

Nationalmuseum Sweden

Royal Museums Greenwich

Gylling, Olof (1870-1929)

Malmö Museum

Jersey Heritage

Jersey Heritage

Zuiderzee Museum

Royal Museums Greenwich

Royal Museums Greenwich

Nottingham City Museums and Galleries

August Strindberg

Nationalmuseum Sweden

August Strindberg

Nationalmuseum Sweden

Vafiadakis, Georgios (amateur)

Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive - Cultural Foundation of the National Bank Of Greece

Imperial War Museums

Imperial War Museums

Howard-Jones, Ray

National Library of Wales

Jan Josefsz Van Goyen (1596-1656), atr.

Institute of Museums and Conservation


National Gallery of Denmark