
Bibracte (Burgundy, France)

Gallic capital, Bibracte hosted Vercingétorix as well as Julius Caesar! But its location was lost over time and it was not until 1865 that its location on Mont Beuvray was confirmed. The excavations carried out revealed its importance in the network of European oppidums. Forgotten again after 1914, Bibracte was revived in 1984 with the resumption of large-scale archaeological excavations, the opening of a museum, and a European research centre.

Bulliot, Jacques-Gabriel (1817-1902). Undetermined function

National Library of France

Currency issuing authority

National Library of France

August Kestner Museum

Heidelberg University Library

Thomas, Edme

Bavarian State Library

Bourgoin (young) (17. -18.?; engraver). Engraver

National Library of France

Heidelberg University Library

Dchette, Joseph (1862-1914). Author of the text

National Library of France

Dchette, Joseph (1862-1914). Author of the text

National Library of France

National Audiovisual Institute France

Pietro Masi

Promoter Digital Gallery