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Erinnerungen an Breslau.
A bound album containing the photographs of buildings in Breslau, related to the life of Harry Hirschberg (later Harter), from his birth in 1899 to his work as a neurologist and to the birth of his son Dieter (Donald) in 1933. Also included are the graves of Harryâs parents, Moritz Hirschberg (1840-1806) and Rosalie née Dienstfertig (1856-1930); as well as general sights and attractions in the …
- Harter, Donald
- Harter, Harry M., 1899 - 1957
- Hirschberg family
- Buildings
- City and town life
- Neurologists
- Hoone
Üksuse liik
- Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic
- Foto
Pakkuja institutsioon
Selles üksuses sisalduva meedia õiguste avaldus (kui pole teisiti märgitud)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC-EDU/1.0/
- BreslauGermany
- http://digital.cjh.org/1037123
- 1 photograph album : 25 pages.
On osa
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
Pakkuja riik
- United States of America
Kollektsiooni nimi
Esimest korda avaldati Europeana
- 2021-01-23T09:30:08.688Z
Viimati andmeid pakkuvast institutsioonist uuendatud
- 2022-02-07T10:50:30.469Z