
Gender gaps & inequality illustrated by GIFs

Black and white photograph. Two women holding up a wooden window frame. They have just finished constructing it, and are holding it up for the camera. The woman on the left is holding a hammer in her right hand. Behind them, a number of men and women are also standing looking at the camera.

Animating inequality between men and women in all areas of society

Aleksandra Strzelichowska (avaneb uues aknas) (Europeana Foundation)

Women are generally paid less than men: the gender pay gap is this difference in pay, but also the gender gap speaks to inequality between men and women in all areas of society.

If we continue at the current pace, it will take Europe more than 60 years to completely close the gender gap.

Here are some animated GIFs - submitted as part of our yearly competition GIF IT UP - that illustrate the inequalities women face in our society.

Women are under-represented at all levels of political participation and decision-making worldwide.

Mansplaining, manterruptions and bro-propriation and are still part of every woman's reality.

Women are over-represented in low-paid employment and unpaid work.

104 countries across the world still have laws preventing women from working in specific jobs.

Environmental degradation and climate change have the most impact on women.

Intended to be reached by 2030, gender equality and empowering all women and girls is one of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable development goals - created to achieve a better future for all.