102 emaitza barruan Pertsona Friedrich Wilhelm Gotter

102 emaitza itzuli dira

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Friedrich Wilhelm Gotter

German poet and dramatist

Schulze, Christian Gottfried (Production), 1764-1819 (Under the direction of)

Leipzig University Library

Bavarian State Library

Johann Wilhelm Meil

Germanisches National Museum

Johann Wilhelm Meil

Berlin State Library

Parlophon; Fleischmann, Johann F. A.; Friedrich Wilhelm Gotter; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Zumsteeg, Johann Rudolf

Bavarian State Library

Benda, Georg

Bavarian State Library

Benda, Georg

Bavarian State Library

Reichardt, Johann Friedrich

Bavarian State Library

Benda, Georg

Bavarian State Library

Benda, Georg

Bavarian State Library

Benda, Georg

Bavarian State Library

Gotter, Friedrich Wilhelm; Collé, Charles

Austrian National Library

Gotter, Friedrich Wilhelm; Benda, Georg

Austrian National Library

Gotter, Friedrich Wilhelm; Montfleury, Antoine Jacob

Austrian National Library