Hasi saioa elementu hau beste hizkuntza batzuetan ikusteko
Ivory Beverley Crozier
This crozier head is carved in relief with inhabited foliated scrolls, mainly animals and birds, on the upright. The volute has three dimensional scenes, carved within it, on either side. One side shows two standing figures and one seated figure with the central figure touching the mouth of the seated figure. This is thought to refer to St John of Beverley (d. 721), Bishop of Hexham, curing a dumb…
- Hunt Museum, as part of the Art of Reading in the Middle Ages project.
- Cultural Heritage & History
- crozier
- Books
- Reading culture
- walrus ivory
- religious iconography
- symbolism
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (monastic)
- Reading culture (medieval)
- …
- ivory (material)
- religious objects
- archaeological objects
- Reading culture
- Erdi Aroa
- Sinbolismo
- Boli
- Artefaktu arkeologiko
Elementu mota
- 3D
- Hunt Museum, as part of the Art of Reading in the Middle Ages project.
- Cultural Heritage & History
- crozier
- Books
- Reading culture
- walrus ivory
- religious iconography
- symbolism
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (monastic)
- Reading culture (medieval)
- …
- ivory (material)
- religious objects
- archaeological objects
- Reading culture
- Erdi Aroa
- Sinbolismo
- Boli
- Artefaktu arkeologiko
Elementu mota
- 3D
Erakunde hornitzailea
Elementu honen baimenen egoera (besterik adierazi ezean)
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
Sortze data
- 2021
- 2021
Aldi baterako
- 901-1000
- Medieval
- 0901/1000
- England
- Models are created using Shining3D’s Einscan Pro 2X laser scanner and ExScan Pro software. They are then processed using Meshlab and Blender. ; Laser scanning; Mesh processing
- share3d:1032
- share3d:1032
- glTF
- English
- en
Honen parte da
- Share3D
- Ireland
- The Hunt Museum - Essential Guide (2002)
- 2021
Herrialde hornitzailea
- Ireland
Bildumaren izena
Lehenengo aldiz argitaratua Europeana-n
- 2022-02-16T09:58:38.158Z
Erakunde hornitzaileak azken aldiz eguneratu du
- 2024-12-09T11:24:27.667Z