
The Freedom Monument: celebrating Latvian independence

black and white photograph of a street with the Freedom Monument in the background.

History and symbolism in Rīga landmark sculpture

National Library of Latvia (leiho berrian irekiko da)

People have always honoured their heroes - those who have wrought majestic accomplishments and been involved in great historical events - by building monuments to them. Monumental stones and words of gravitas ensure that powerful thoughts and uplifting accomplishments are passed from generation to generation.

In Latvia, the declaration of freedom and unity for the people is celebrated annually on Independence Day, 18 November. In 1935, the celebration included the unveiling of the Freedom Monument. Its sculptural and structural appearance captures the idea of freedom.

black and white photograph of the Freedom Monument in Riga.

What is Riga's Freedom Monument?

The Freedom Monument rises above the Riga rooftops at the very heart of the capital of Latvia. 

The idea of building a monument dedicated to battles for freedom arose in 1922 when the then Prime Minister Zigfrīds Anna Meierovics began preparing for a memorial column. After various competitions, Latvian sculptor Kārlis Zāle was chosen for this work with a project named 'Mirdzi kā zvaigzne!' (Bright as a star!). The construction works started on November 18, 1931, thanks to people's donations.

black and white portrait photograph of Kārlis Zāle.

The monument was established on November 18, 1935, on the 17th anniversary of The Republic of Latvia. The monument carries the words proposed by Kārlis Skalbe – 'Tēvzemei un Brīvībai' (For Fatherland and Freedom).

black and white photograph, sculptures of figures on the Freedom Monument.

What statues are on the Freedom Monument?

The main sculpture on the Freedom Monument depicts a Latvian woman, hewn from copper. She lifts three gilded stars symbolising the unity of the three historical regions of Latvia: Kurzeme, Vidzeme and Latgale.

black and white photograph, a standing sculpted figure on the Freedom Monument holding a staff, with two kneeled figures by its side.

13 sculptures and bas-reliefs on the monument depict the history of Latvia – from the invasion of crusaders to the revival of Latvian national self-confidence in the 19th century and battles for freedom.

56 sculptures are arranged in 13 groups on four levels. The base level of the monument symbolises the nation's work ethic, spiritual strength, and striving for independence. The front of the monument features two travertine reliefs - 'Latvian Riflemen' and 'Latvian People: the Singers'.

black and white photograph, sculptures on the Freedom Monument.
black and white photograph of statues on the Freedom Monument.

Other groups depict Latvian basic values: Work, Guards of the Fatherland, Mother — Family Guard, and Scholars. On the sides, the travertine panels bear reference to the Russian Revolution of 1905 and Latvian War of Independence.

The middle block symbolises the nation's ideals and striving for freedom: 'Latvia' is ready to defend the Motherland, 'Chain Breakers' try to break free from their chains, 'Lāčplēsis' (an epic Latvian folk hero) encourages the fight against evil powers, while 'Vaidelotis' (a Baltic pagan priest) symbolises spiritual strength.

black and white photograph, soldiers parade in front of the Freedom Monument.

How is the Freedom Monument symbol of Latvian independence?

During the Soviet occupation, any gathering at the Freedom Monument was strictly forbidden. Despite this, for Latvian people it was still a symbol of independence.

In 1987, around 5,000 people took part in protests organised by 'Helsinki-86' - a movement against the Soviet regime. People lay flowers by the Freedom Monument honouring the victims of mass deportations. The monument once again became the centre of political activity and regained its pre-war legacy.

After Latvia regained its independence in 1991, the guard of honour was resumed at the monument.

Restoration work was conducted in 1980-1981, 2001, 2013, and 2017. In 2020, a law was passed to ensuring regular, planned preservation of the monument. The importance of the Freedom Monument has not been lost over the decades and will not be lost in the future.

colour photograph, scaffolding surrounds the arms and head of the central figure on the Freedom Monument.

The Freedom Monument in 3D

Since 2024, a downloadable 3D model of the monument has been made available on, meaning you can explore the artistic details and symbols of the monument up close.

This story was updated in 2024 with additonal images and 3D model.