72 tulokset sisällä Henkilö Bartholomaus, the Younger Hopfer

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Bartholomaus, the Younger Hopfer

Painter from Germany (1628-1699)

Bartholomew Hopfer; Bartholomew Kilian

Leipzig University Library

Bartholomew Hopfer; Bartholomew Kilian

Leipzig University Library

Bartholomew Hopfer; Bartholomew Kilian

Germanisches National Museum

Philipp Kilian; Bartholomew Hopfer

Germanisches National Museum

Bartholomew Hopfer; Bartholomew Kilian

Germanisches National Museum

Herzog August Library

Herzog August Library

Herzog August Library

Herzog August Library

Herzog August Library

Herzog August Library

Bartholomew Kilian; Bartholomew Hopfer

Berlin State Library

Bartholomew Hopfer; Bartholomew Kilian

Berlin State Library

Bartholomew Hopfer; Bartholomew Kilian

Berlin State Library

Bartholomew Hopfer; Bartholomew Kilian

Berlin State Library

Bartholomew Hopfer; Bartholomew Kilian

Leipzig University Library

Bartholomew Hopfer; Bartholomew Kilian

Leipzig University Library

Bartholomew Hopfer; Bartholomew Kilian

Leipzig University Library

Bartholomew Hopfer; Bartholomew Kilian

Leipzig University Library

Bartholomew Hopfer; Jordaens, Jacob

Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum