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Kemiallinen yhdiste

Strübin, Theodor

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Morin, Geneviève

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Strübin, Theodor

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Strübin, Theodor

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Strübin, Theodor

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Strübin, Theodor

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Strübin, Theodor

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Strübin, Theodor

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Strübin, Theodor

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Strübin, Theodor

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Strübin, Theodor

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Strübin, Theodor

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Strübin, Theodor

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Strübin, Theodor

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Strübin, Theodor

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Seiler & Co. AG Basel / Gelterkinden

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Strübin, Theodor

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Strübin, Theodor

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Strübin, Theodor

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Strübin, Theodor

Archaeology and Museum Baselland

Florian Georgescu; Alexandru Cebuc; Petre Daiche

National Heritage Institute, Bucharest

Polygoon-Profilti (producer); Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (curator)

Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision

National Heritage Institute, Bucharest