912 tulokset sisällä Aihe Girdle
Women's underwear, often partly or entirely of elastic or boned, for supporting and shaping the appearance of the abdomen, hips, and buttocks
Palais Galliera - Musée de la Mode de la Ville de Paris
Roscheider Hof Open Air Museum
Roscheider Hof Open Air Museum
PROU René (1889-1947, décorateur); VERA Paul (1882-1957, peintre)
Mobilier National Collections
JACOB père et fils : Georges I et François-Honoré, entre 1803 et 1813 (est. "Jacob D. / R. Meslée" )
Mobilier National Collections
Mobilier National Collections
Mobilier National Collections
Mobilier National Collections
Mobilier National Collections
Mobilier National Collections
ARBUS André (1903-1969, architecte-décorateur); ANDROUSOV Vadim (1895-1975, sculpteur)
Mobilier National Collections
Mobilier National Collections
Mobilier National Collections
Mobilier National Collections
Mobilier National Collections
Mobilier National Collections
Mobilier National Collections