
Löydä ja paljasta kiehtovaa teollista ja työhön liittyvää perintöaineistoa

Tarinoita työelämästä

Työläisten oikeudet


A contemporary exhibition on Europeans' working lives and the European Pillar of Social Rights.


Take a look at conditions and protests at the Bor Mine in Serbia, one of the first environmental protests in Europe.


Throughout the world, men and women are not paid equally for doing the same jobs

Strikes and industrial protests

Industrial heritage isn't just the story of firms, but the stories of workers and their experiences. This gallery shows images from across Europe of when workers have gone on strike and fought for their rights and freedoms.

Naiset työelämässä


Long before the home office was invented, working at home was already commonplace for one group within society: women.


Women's work has long been overlooked, raising questions of equality, rights and work-life balance.

Gender inequality in workplaces

This learning scenario is about the problem of gender inequality and workplace diversity in Serbia and possibly in other European countries.

Women at Work

In this learning scenario learn how the position of women in the labour market has changed significantly over the centuries. Discover how women transcended traditional roles associated with household work and domestic tasks.


135 years of history of the Dutch baking company Verkade



How industrial age photographers documented the harsh lives of children at work.

Children at work: images of child labour

For centuries, children across Europe and beyond have been made to work in domestic and industrial settings, often exploited, mistreated and ignored. This gallery shows photographs and paintings of children working.


Pioneering photographer Lewis Hine‘s images of industry and labour led to reform and changing laws.


The Office

Offices, familiar workplaces for many of us, have changed greatly, from our ways of working to technology. This gallery presents offices, as workplaces in progress.

Industrial Photography in the Machine Age

This exhibition explores fascinating industrial photography from the machine age. We travel back in time to the factories, cities and workshops of the early 20th century, and discover beautiful images in unexpected places.


Factories, workshops, power plants and more - where European industrial heritage was created


Collection of photographs by Eduards Kraucs documenting the construction of a dam in Latvia


Mining has employed millions of people, though with concerns about working conditions, safety and environmental effects


Connecting water and land, towns and cities, and countries across seas, as well as providing livelihoods to communities.



Brings together photographs of factories and workers from across Europe, where workers became cogs in a machine


From coffee, tea and tobacco to UNESCO: the story of Van Nelle business started with a small shop.


The Fàbrica Gròber textile factory is a landmark of Girona history even today, 40 years after its closure.


The history of the Jacob’s Biscuit Factory, home of the cream cracker.



A short history of working as a waiter in restaurants


When you last visited the supermarket, did you notice who was working there and what they did?


Hotels are not simply places to stay and relax, but places of work for many people

Tricks of the Trade

In this exhibition, photography shows the fruits of labour of farmers, inventors, craftsmen and factory workers, capturing places where fresh produce is laid out lavishly and new creations are shown proudly.


Discover stories and pictures from aviation history in KLM's 100 years

Teollistumisen haittapuolet


Exposure to asbestos - once valued for its qualities - has caused illnesses and death among thousands of workers.


Gallery exploring pollution as a negative industrial legacy on our planet and landscapes across Europe.

Climate of Fear

Join us on a photographic journey through Europe and learn of about society fears in 1950's in this chapter of our online exhbition "Blue Skies, Red Panic".