160 résultats dans Organisation Secretaria Geral do Ministério das Finanças

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Secretaria Geral do Ministério das Finanças

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Portugal. Ministry of Finance, Media Office

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Portugal, Ministry of Finance. António José Malheiro Research Bureau

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Portugal, Ministry of Finance. António José Malheiro Research Bureau

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Portugal, Ministry of Finance. António José Malheiro Research Bureau

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Portugal, Ministry of Finance. António José Malheiro Research Bureau

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Lobo, Francisco António Godinho

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Portugal, Ministry of Finance. António José Malheiro Research Bureau

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Portugal, Ministry of Finance. António José Malheiro Research Bureau

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Portugal, Ministry of Finance. António José Malheiro Research Bureau

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Gonçalves, Dario

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Baptista, Raul da Silva

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Portugal, Ministry of Finance. António José Malheiro Research Bureau

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Portugal, Ministry of Finance. António José Malheiro Research Bureau

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Aguiar, António Júlio Simões de

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Felismino, Aureliano

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Institut International des Sciences Administratives

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Portugal, Ministry of Finance. António José Malheiro Research Bureau

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Portugal, Ministry of Finance. António José Malheiro Research Bureau

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Portugal, Ministry of Finance. António José Malheiro Research Bureau

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Portugal, Ministry of Finance. António José Malheiro Research Bureau

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Álvares, Luís das Neves

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Portugal, Ministry of Finance. António José Malheiro Research Bureau

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance

Melo, Álvaro Figueiredo de

General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance