10 torthaí laistigh de Duine Jan Milíč

10 torthaí ar ais

Níl aon toradh eile ann ar d'iarratas cuardaigh.

Jan Milíč

Czech Catholic priest and preacher

University Library Freiburg

Haymo Autissiodorensis (?)

National Library of the Czech Republic

Nicolas de Gorran (1232-around 1295); Milíč from Kroměříže, Jan (around 1325-1374); Albertus Patavinus (1269? -1323)

Library of the Wroclaw University

Library of the Wroclaw University

National Library of the Czech Republic

Milíč from Kroměříže, Jan (around 1325-1374)

Library of the Wroclaw University

Milíč from Kroměříže, Jan (around 1325-1374); Petrus Comestor (11. -11

Library of the Wroclaw University

University Library Freiburg

Library of the Wroclaw University