35 torthaí laistigh de Ábhar Ruffled neck

35 torthaí ar ais

Níl aon toradh eile ann ar d'iarratas cuardaigh.

Ruffled neck

Neckine trimmed with or cut to fall in a ruffle or flounce

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts

Palais Galliera - Musée de la Mode de la Ville de Paris

Martiale Constantini

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts

Mug Deval; Martiale Constantini

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts