colour photograph of a white and red lighthouse against a bright blue sky

Histories of lighthouses across Europe on film

Life on the rocks

Adrian Murphy (osclaítear i bhfuinneog nua é) (Europeana Foundation)

For centuries, lighthouses have been keeping sailors and seafarers safe. While nowadays, many lighthouses are automated, for many years lighthouse keepers worked and even lived in their lighthouses.

This blog showcases a series of short films about lighthouses in different parts of Europe, looking at their architecture, history and heritage.

Rozewie, Poland

Rozewie is a small seaside village on the edge of the Gulf of Gdansk and the Baltic Sea. 

This short film highlights the history of the village's lighthouse, hearing from people who have worked there and are preserving its heritage. 

Lighthouses in Rozewie, Poland, The National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk,
Kystreise, CC BY-ND

Corsica, France

This film introduces three lighthouses in Corsica, France: Iles Sanguinaires, Capo Pertusato and Ile Lavezzi.

Corsican Lighthouses, Vincent Guiguenoy,
Kystreise, CC BY-ND

Loop Head, Ireland

Loop Head is located in the west of Ireland. Its lighthouse, at one of the most westerly points of Europe, overlooks the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean. The lighthouse was built in the 1850s, and became automated in 1991.

Loop Head Lighthouse, Vincent Guigueno
Kystreise, CC BY-ND

Lofoten, Norway

On the Norwegian island archipelago Lofoten, several lighthouses can be found. Vestfjorden, the sea area located just south of Lofoten, is an important spawning area for cod and the fishery industry. This film introduces the history of several lighthouses in Vestfjorden.

The lighthouses in the Vestfjord, Kristine Moltu,
Kystreise, CC BY-ND

EXPLORE MORE: Lighthouses across Europe in this gallery

This blog post is a part of the project Europeana Media, increasing the appeal, visibility, reuse, research and interaction with Europe’s audio-visual heritage.