The caravan: a home away from home. Since the early 20th century, campers have provided the perfect solution to outbound homebirds looking for holiday ambiance in a familiar setting. Gallery curated by Europeana XX project partners #CenturyOfChange
37 items
Lollesgaard, Hans (1923-1993) bladtegner
The Royal Library: The National Library of Denmark and Copenhagen University Library
Screen Archive South East
National Library of Scotland
Toy Museum of the City of Nuremberg
Toy Museum of the City of Nuremberg
Gooi and Vecht Historic
Gooi and Vecht Historic
TV3 Catalan Television
Danish Broadcasting Corporation
National Library of Scotland
National Library of Scotland
National Library of Scotland
Deutsche Welle
National Library of Scotland
Deutsche Welle
Gooi and Vecht Historic
Screen Archive South East
TV3 Catalan Television
National Library of Scotland
National Library of Scotland
Toy Museum of the City of Nuremberg
Rol agency. Photographic agency
National Library of France