Prijava za pregled ovog predmeta na drugim jezicima
Sari of red silk with gold thread decoration, worn by temple dancers
Along the selvedges three borders of which two with floral motives and one with the busa or kashmir motive.\ The large central area is entirely woven with gold thread with a division of oblique diamonds. In the diamond planes is alternately a rosette and a peacock-like bird woven.
Vrsta predmet
- Object Type: sari
- sari
- Sari
- voor 1966
- Material: silk
- silk (silkworm material)
- Svila
Institucija iz koje dolazi
Uvjeti korištenja medija u ovom zapisu (osim ako nije drugačije navedeno)
Datum stvaranja
- 1966
- 1966-01-01
- Aankoop
Dio je
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
Povezano je s
- gold thread
- checker pattern
Država iz koje dolazi
- Netherlands
Naziv zbirke
Prvi put objavljeno na Europeana
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