Prijava za pregled ovog predmeta na drugim jezicima
Stained glass windows
Stained glass windows in the presbytery of the Church of the Sacred Heart in Nowy Sącz: Tobias, rosette with a Holy Spirit as a dove, and St. Raphael the Archangel. Stained glass windows were created in 1932 in the studio of Roman Ryniewicz and Fryderyk Romanczyk. The set of stained glass windows in the church includes: a rosette with a Holy Spirit as a dove and floral motifs; Tobias; St. Raphael…
- Romańczyk
- Ryniewicz
- artistic technique
- stained glass art
Vrsta predmet
- stained glass window
- vitraj
- arhitektonski element
- Vitraj
- 1932.
Institucija iz koje dolazi
Uvjeti korištenja medija u ovom zapisu (osim ako nije drugačije navedeno)
- International Centre for Information Management Systems and Services (ICIMSS)
Datum stvaranja
- 1932.
- 99526
- Pb_99526
- pl
- pol
Dio je
- Europeana Crafted
Država iz koje dolazi
- Poland
Naziv zbirke
Prvi put objavljeno na Europeana
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