Prijava za pregled ovog predmeta na drugim jezicima
Legumes: peanuts
This image shows a harvest of peanuts in India. Raw and roasted peanuts are eaten as a snack food by both old and young people around the world. Peanuts are also ground to make peanut butter, and they are an important source of oil. After extraction of the oil, the peanut residue is combined with sugar and sold as a sweetmeat (peanut cake).
Vrsta predmet
- Photograph
- Fotografija
Vrsta predmet
- Photograph
- Fotografija
Institucija iz koje dolazi
Uvjeti korištenja medija u ovom zapisu (osim ako nije drugačije navedeno)
- Credit: The Leprosy Mission International
- W0030986
- W0030986
- yy2ayku8
Država iz koje dolazi
- United Kingdom
Naziv zbirke
Prvi put objavljeno na Europeana
- 2019-06-09T11:34:08.460Z
Zadnji put ažurirano od institucije koja pruža podatke
- 2019-06-09T11:34:08.460Z