A black-and-white image showing a wireframe 3D model of the ruins of Momjan Castle's tower on the ground, floating against a neutral background.

The Journey Skyward

Innovative storytelling that combines 3D models, video, philosophical thought and imagination

In May-July 2024, thirteen participants took part in the second edition of the Online Creative Residency from Europeana’s Digital Storytelling Festival. Janire Goikoetxea created a video essay using 3D objects to tell a universal story.

Janire Goikoetxea

Exploring the theme of 'journey', participants worked with mentors in animation, social media, collage art, storytelling with 3D, and creative writing.

About the author

Who am I?

My name is Janire Goikoetxea and I’m a Spanish Art Historian specialising in contemporary and digital arts. I work as an independent writer and arts educator in a museum.

I have always been drawn to the technologically-driven realms of artistic expression. My work focuses on extended reality technologies and the analysis of aesthetic and social experiences on the internet. I'm particularly interested in the power of online community-based practices, such as online music culture and social XR, as tools for exploring the digital folklore and heritage of our time.

What is my project about?

‘The Journey Skyward’ is a video essay that brings together various 3D models of European architecture and objects to tell a universal story: humanity's eternal fascination with reaching the sky. When our ancestors turned to technology to bring us closer to heaven, they did so with the weight of stone, laying one block after another until we could ascend from its foundations.

Technology has liberated us from the constraints of gravity, providing us with a new way to appreciate art and heritage from viewpoints that the original creators and designers once intended solely for the eyes of gods. This project celebrates humanity's journey to the conquest of the bird's eye view.

Why did I apply for the Online Creative Residency?

This year presented a new opportunity to work with the 3D collections from Europeana.eu and the latest models from the Twin it! campaign. I was eager to explore new applications for these digitisation projects.

Using 3D as a tool for storytelling is relatively new, and there is significant potential for innovative approaches to using these high-quality models. From creating immersive environments to repurposing the models as artistic objects, the creative freedom they offer is always exciting.

What have I got out of the residency?

It has given me the opportunity to share ideas and conversations with industry professionals and to gain a deeper understanding of the technology behind heritage digitisation. During these months, I have been able to explore all the innovations being made in this field and connect them with my artistic, historical and philosophical interests. Moreover, I will never look at a building again, whether from a plane or through the eyes of a flying avatar, without feeling grateful for having this new perspective!

What will I do next?

I will continue working with 3D environments, which, along with VR, have always been my passion and feel like my second home. I will keep researching new methods to engage audiences with digital heritage, as I plan to pursue further studies in Applied Technologies for Cultural Heritage to blend these skills with my career in writing, storytelling techniques and arts education.