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Collezione di opuscoli intorno il metodo proposto dal nobile signore Don Giuseppe de Masdevall ... per cuarire le febri putrido-maligne ed altri analoghi mali ...
tradotti dallo spagnuolo nell' idioma italiano dall' abate Pietro Montaner.
- Pedro. Montaner
- Juan. Sastre y Puig
- José Sánchez
- Martín. Rodon y Bell
- Rinaldi, Giuseppe
- Escuela de Veterinaria (Madrid),
- Pepe Sánchez
- per gli eredi di Giuseppe Rinaldi
- José Masdevall
- Universal Decimal Classification: 616.92/.93
- Fiebre, Obras anteriores a 1800.
- Epidemias, Obras anteriores a 1800.
Type of item
- Monograph
- Monograph
- Pedro. Montaner
- Juan. Sastre y Puig
- José Sánchez
- Martín. Rodon y Bell
- Rinaldi, Giuseppe
- Escuela de Veterinaria (Madrid),
- Pepe Sánchez
- per gli eredi di Giuseppe Rinaldi
- José Masdevall
- Universal Decimal Classification: 616.92/.93
- Fiebre, Obras anteriores a 1800.
- Epidemias, Obras anteriores a 1800.
Type of item
- Monograph
- Monograph
Providing institution
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
- The digital images and OCR of this work were produced by Google, Inc. (indicated by a watermark on each page in the digital object). Google requests that the images and OCR not be re-hosted, redistributed or used commercially. More information at source library: http://biblioteca.ucm.es/proyectogoogle
Issue date
- 1791
- 1791
- In Ferrara
- http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/countries/it
- 4b6b282d-0180-412a-9fe2-3b12de33bf9f
- 2 v. ;
- 4.
- Printed
- it
Is part of
- http://data.theeuropeanlibrary.org/Collection/a1010
- 1791
Providing country
- Spain
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2014-07-01T10:03:57.774Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2015-02-25T16:23:27.040Z
Table of contents
- Contiene: Tomo 1: Opusculo del Sig. D. Giovanni Sastre e Puig ed un altro del Sig. D. Martino Rodon e Bell. - Tomo 2: Opusculo del Sig. D. Giuseppe Sánchez ed un altro composto dall'abate Pietro Montaner.